Monday, April 27, 2020

Challenge #1 : Tongue Twisters!

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh.

Dear Students...

Are you ready to play this game? 😀

Here are some tips :

1. Read carefully
2. Say it loud!

Do you think you can beat me? Let me know! If you can do better me just send your video to me, and I will pick one winner from each class.

Goodluck, kiddos!

If you have any ideas about what material should I make in the video, just write down your comment below. I'm waitiiiingg....

Stay Healthy.
Stay Home.
Be Grateful.

Thank You Very Much.

Mr Yasser A.S

But wait.... Here's another bonus for you! 😄😄😄

Ramadan Story : #1 Prophet Muhammad and His Mother


Dear Parents and students...

Here is a video to accompany your fasting day!

Hope you like it!
For parents, I kinda curious about your kids' reaction after watch this 😄😄
Mind to tell me what's your kids reaction in the comment section below!

Thank You Very Much!

Stay Safe.
Stay Home.
Be Grateful.

Mr. Yasser A.S

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Kultum Ramadhan : Andaikan Ramadan Sebuah Surga!

Assalamu'alaikum Warohmatullohi Wabarokatuh...

Hallo murid-murid yang sholeh dan sholeha. Pak Yasser punya cerita nih sebelum masuk ke bulan Ramadan. Cerita kali ini ditemani oleh Rabbit dan Panda. Yuk mari kita dengarkan.

Selamat menjalankan Ibadah Puasa Ramadan 1441 h!

Salam dari :
Poci (hehehe)
Pak Yasser

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Thank You So Much! (Closing Statement for 1st Grade AY 2019-2020)


Dear Students...

It's hard to say the english lesson is OVER! 😢 But it's happened.
So I make this video for all of you who had accompanied me during english lesson.
You are great! I'm gonna miss you all!


I love you all!

Thank you so much!

Mr. Yasser A.S